239 West Street-Ware, MA 01082
(413) 967-6903 (Office) - (413) 967-3182 (Fax)
Ms. Lisa Candito-Principal
December 22, 2016
Dear Grade 6 Parents/Guardians,
As the second marking period comes to a close on January 13th, I would like to update all grade 6 parents about the change from traditional honor roll to the academic excellence award at Ware Middle School. A change was made earlier this year in order to ensure that WMS is truly awarding academic excellence to the top performing students based on grade level academics, content and to make sure that students receiving awards in academic excellence are truly deserving based on their academic output and ability level.
This new award will be given in June to students that have met the following qualifications:
Numerical Average 90%-100% in all subjects
Exemplary student behavior
Excellent student conduct
Excellent student effort
Grade 6 Parents will be able to monitor their child’s track to academic excellence each quarter when report cards are distributed by looking for comments that say, “Approaching Academic Excellence” or “Has Met Academic Excellence”.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and or concerns.
Lisa Candito