Principal's Message
Dear Parent/Guardians:
It is with great pride and excitement that I write this letter of introduction to you as the newly appointed Principal of Ware Middle School. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with such a rich tradition that has produced so many outstanding students.
I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than eighteen years with experience working as a classroom teacher and math specialist in Danbury, CT and Math Coach and Curriculum/Professional Development Coordinator in Ware. I am thrilled to bring my skills as an educator to Ware Middle School and to work with you as a partner in education to ensure your child’s success.
Along with teachers and staff, I will work hard to continue the legacy of success established at Ware Middle School by building strong relationships with parents, students, and community partners. During the course of the year, it is my hope that we will work together to provide the students of WMS the best possible opportunities in preparing them to be world class citizens ready to master the challenges of the 21st Century with a solid foundation created here at our school.
As Principal, my door is always open and I welcome your input. Please feel free call to make an appointment or email me to discuss any concerns, suggestions, or ideas to help make this the best year yet!
Warm Regards,
Lisa Candito