March 16, 2020
Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope that you as a member of our Ware Middle School family are doing well at this trying time. We know that you will have questions as we journey through this together. I would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we work through this unusual time together.
First and foremost, please do not put pressure on yourself to be a ‘teacher replacement’. Children learn and react dif-ferently when being taught by parents compared to their teachers, and this is something we are prepared for. Most of the tasks and activities we will be assigning can be done independently. If you would like to sit with your child and help them through the tasks that is your choice and something I am leaving up to you, however please remember that learning should be student led - try not to fall into the trap of doing their work for them. We want students to make mistakes, just as they would in the classroom - this is real learning!
During this challenging time, it is best for your child if their work time is regimented with dedicated periods devoted to enrichment activities without interruption. On our website, we have listed access to our digital learning platforms as well as packets from each grade level teachers. Additionally, Ms. Huckaby and I will be video tapping weekly messages with a challenge for our students as well as "bedtime" stories for our younger students.
Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teachers as well as myself for any clarifications or questions that may arise. Finally, this is a learning process for all of us. Your children are extremely competent, and I have no doubt they will impress us with their ability to adapt to this situation. Please feel free to contact me via email at: [email protected]
You are in our thoughts and prayers during this time. We look forward to seeing all our students and parents back home at Ware Middle School as soon as it is safe to do so!
Website: http://wms.wareps.org/covid19
Ms. DeMars
To download a copy of the newsletter, click below:
parent letter 3-16.pdf